Altar Servers
Ms Claudelle Mathurin
Ms Nehemie Leneus
Mr. Austin Walters
Baptism Preparation
Fr. Kerly François
Ms. Marguerite René
Charismatic Prayer Group
Ms. Mona Bedminster
Children of Mary
Ms. Wende Rouse
Church Cleaning
Ms. Viola John
Cultural Dancers
Kenneth and Lauren Thomas
Eucharistic Ministry
Finance Committee
Health Care Ministry
Ms Candace Bryan
Dr. Gloria Callwood
Legion of Mary
Mr. Eubald René, President of the Curia
Ms. Aurea Olive, Secretary
Media Ministry
Mr. Francis Callwood
Ministry of the Word
Ms Susanne Adrien
Ms Hilda Celestine
Money Counters
Mr. Jean Dragin
Music Ministry – Cantor
Mr. Allan Harrigan
Pantomime Group
Ms Michelle Stout

Religious Education Program
Fr. Kerly François, Spiritual Advisor
Ms. Marguerite René
St. Joseph Workers
Mr. Orville Rouse, President
St. Vincent DePaul Society/Young Vincentians
Ms. Alma Wells
Sick & Shut-ins
Fr. Kerly François, Spiritual Advisor
Ms. Alma Wells, Coordinator
Ministry of the Hospitality
Mr. Orville Rouse
Youth Ministry
Ms. Glendia Caines
Ms. Marguerite René
Social Committee
Ms. Alicia Douté
Ms. Viola John

Dominica Association (not part of church ministry)
Vincent St. Luce