Fr. Kerly’s Celebration: The appreciation and farewell event is
well underway for Sunday, June 25, 2023 at 7 PM in the upper
Columban Hall. Fr. Kerly will be the celebrant at all the Masses
on June 24th and 25th
, so parishioners will have an opportunity
to wish Fr. Kerly well in person after each Mass.
Parishioners are encouraged to stop at Planning Committee’s
table at the rear of the church to write a personal note to
Father Kerly, and you can also drop your personal cards or gifts
in the box provided. The Committee is asking for donations for
refreshments and desserts; please sign up at the table.
Send your pictures of Fr. Kerly or with Fr. Kerly for the
keepsake photo album to
or text/WhatsApp to (703) 402-9408. Remember to identify
the individualsin the pictures.
Next weekend during a Special Collection will be collected and
given to Fr. Kerly as a gift of love and appreciation as he
departs Holy Family. Thank you for your support.