• Please remember to wear your masks at all times, wash your hands frequently, and social distancing is still in effect.
  • Vatican News
  • Seven Days Sanctuary Lamp Devotion: The Sanctuary Lamp which burns in the Sanctuary of our church, the reminder of the Lord’s Presence in the Most Holy Eucharist, will continue to burn throughout the coming week.
    • Parishioners are encouraged to schedule the Sanctuary Lamp for a loved one or a special event in your life or family. Contact the church office to schedule your intention(s). The stipend amount is $25.00.
  • Altar Flowers: Parishioners are encouraged to assist in beautifying the church by sponsoring flowers for any special event. Please contact the office with your intent.
  • Necrologium: Holy Family Parish Community extends sincere sympathy to the family of Rita Ledee, who died on December 5, 2024. Funeral details are to follow. May her soul and the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen.
  • Bishop’s Appeal: We thank each of you who have contributed and brought our donations to $22,900.55, or 92% of our parish goal. However, our schools, Catholic Charities, and Evangelization initiatives still need everyone’s support! We have $2,099.45 more to go in order to accomplish our parish goal of $25,000.00. You can still pledge and contribute in installments or make a one-time donation. The Appeal will end on December 31, 2024, giving you time to fulfill your commitment.
    • Please pick up a brochure, fill out the form, and send it with your donation. We also accept electronic donations. Thank you for your generosity.
  • Month of December: December is the month of baby Jesus.
  • The Church’s Air-conditioning Project:
    • The fundraising is ongoing. Collect your envelope, and drop it off at the church office, to Fr. Modeste, or to the committee. Every Sunday, a basket will be at the front of the altar for this.
    • Fr. Modeste extends thanks to the St. Joseph workers and Ms. Alma Wells for the generous combined donation totaling $1,900.00, and to Beverly McClendon for her generous donation of $300.00.
    • Parish T-shirt: T-Shirts are available at the gift shop for $50.00; please patronize. If your size is not available, please sign up and it will be ordered for you.
  • Hospitality Lounge:
    • The Hospitality Lounge is asking for people to give cash or cooked foods, pastries, hot cereals, sandwiches, johnny cakes, and drinks for the holiday season.
    • Volunteers are needed to help with the preparation of food and drinks during the Christmas and New Year’s holiday season from December 22, 2024 to January 10, 2025.
    • Please call the office for further details or to make your donation. Thank you.
  • Walkathon: The next walkathon will be Saturday, December 21 at 5:00 am, further details to follow.
  • Healing Mass: The next Mass of the sick will be Friday, December 27, 2024 at 6:00 pm at the Shrine.
  • Sacrament of Infant Baptism: The next infant Baptism will take place on December 25, 2024 at the 9:00 am Mass.
  • Holy Family Patronal Feast: On Sunday, December 29, 2024, we will celebrate our Patronal Feast Day with mass at combined 9:00 am Mass; there will be no 7:30 am or 10:00 am Mass on that day.
  • Priest Departure: As announced by the Bishop, Fr. Isaac Agbenohevi will be leaving; his departure celebration will be held on December 29, 2024, during the 9:00 am mass.
  • January 1st, Haiti’s Independence Day: Come celebrate with the Haitian community.
  • Magnificat: The December and January Magnificats are currently available at the gift shop. Please purchase your copy.
  • Pilgrimage to Italy: There will be a Jubilee Diocesan Pilgrimage to Italy from April 21 to May 1, 2025. Please see the bulletin board for further details.
  • The History of Roman Catholicism on St. Croix, St. Thomas, and St. John is covered in a booklet, which you may purchase for $20.00 from History Committee member Dr. Gloria Callwood.
  • CCD Religious Education/Faith Formation: CCD classes take place every Saturday from 9:00 am – 12 noon.
  • New Office Hours: Beginning October 1, 2024, the office hours and days are as follows:
    • Sunday and Monday: Office closed
    • Tuesday – Friday: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
    • Saturdays: 10:00 am – 6:00 pm
  • Wednesdays: The church will be open every Wednesday from 7:00 am to 3:00 pm.
  • Gift Shop: The Gift Shop will be open every Wednesday from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm, Saturday from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm, and Sunday after the 7:30 am and 10:00 am Masses. Visit our gift shop and buy some souvenirs.
  • Food Drive: Catholic Charities of the Virgin Islands is seeking food donations to support those in need within our St. Thomas/St. John community. You can drop off your donations at any of the church offices during office hours or bring them with you to Sunday Service. For more information, please call (340) 777-8518.
  • Catechesis: Follow in the bulletin to enhance your spirituality.
  • Church cleaning: We need volunteers to reinforce the church cleaning teams. Please join one of these teams.
    • 1st week : Haitian group (Friday evening)
    • 2nd week: Haitian group (Friday evening)
    • 3rd week: Dominican group (Friday evening)
    • 4th week: Viola group (Saturday morning)
    • 5th week: Viola group (Saturday morning)
  • Mass at the Shrine: Mass is held every Friday at the Shrine at 7:00 am; please join us.
  • Breast Cancer Patient and Survivor Support Group meets the second Tuesday of every month from 6:00 to 7:30 pm at the Wesley Methodist Church Educational Complex.
  • Sacrament of Infant Baptism: Pre-Baptism classes will be held Tuesdays and Wednesdays, from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in the lower Columban Hall, starting Tuesday, February 20, 2024. A minimum of 4 classes is required. Register your child now.
  • Saint Vincent de Paul Youth Conference: The SVdP Youth conference provides an excellent organization in which young people can grow spiritually as well as give service. It is an opportunity for Youth to use their talents to make a difference in others’ lives. We invite the young people of the parish to join the Society.
  • Hospitality Lounge: We’re asking for your support of the lounge. You are invited to join us every Sunday after Mass to share a moment of fellowship. Please contact Hilda Celestine, Lounge Manager, at 340-227-1219 with your donations.
  • Restrooms: Let’s keep our restrooms clean at all times. DO NOT flush any other product apart from toilet tissue down the toilet. Thank you!
  • Weekday Offerings: Collections will be taken up at the 7 am Wednesday Masses and feast days.
  • The Holy Family Prayer Group meets every Monday in the church from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. Everyone is welcome to join in praise and worship and intercessory prayers as we lift our personal petitions and those of the entire Church community to the Lord.
  • Holy Water: Parishioners are asked to refrain from filling large bottles at the holy water container. Appropriate bottles (8 ounces) are available for sale at the office.
  • Maintenance Person: We continue to seek a maintenance person, with a good knowledge about plumbing and electricity works, in good health and fear of God. Let all parishioners help to have someone in this position.
  • Mass Schedule Change: Effective July 3, 2023, there is no Monday Mass, and Friday Mass has returned to 7:00 am. We apologize for any inconvenience these changes may cause. Please note: the Charismatic Prayer Group continues to meet on Monday evenings at 6:30 pm in the church; all are encouraged to attend.
  • The Catholic Voice—Every Wednesday at 5:00 pm: We are pleased to announce that our diocese has been blessed with a new weekly television and radio program, titled “The Catholic Voice.” We will be airing our program every Wednesday at 5:00 pm and replay on Sunday at 1:30 pm on television, and on Sundays at 6:00 pm on CBN (Caribbean Super Station) radio frequency 90.9 FM to promote our mission, visions and its objectives. Tune in!
  • Church Office Hours: The Parish Community is reminded that the church office hours are Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Please be guided accordingly.
  • Columban Hall Rental Fees have been updated, effective immediately. The new rates are:
    • Deposit: $500.00
    • Events with admission fee: $1,500.00
    • Funeral reception: $1,000.00
    • Special events: $1,650.00
    • Registered active parishioner discount: 15%
    • Extra day setup fee (#28 in contract): $500.00
  • Altar Servers: The Holy Family Parish is in need of additional Altar Servers to serve at its various masses. Training for current and new Altar Servers are held at 11:00 a.m. on Saturdays, following the CCD classes. Please contact Mr. Austin Walters if your child has made 1st Communion and is willing to serve in this important ministry. Applications can be found in the back of the church.
  • Church Announcements: Effective immediately, all church announcements must be submitted to the Church Office via email by Tuesday. Announcements received after this time will not be accepted.
  • Sons of Abraham: The men of our church continue to meet on Thursdays, at 6:00 p.m. in the Lower Columban Hall.
  • Personal Items: Please note the Church is not responsible for any personal items left in the church. Parishioners are being asked to check for items before exiting the church.
  • Devotional Candles: Good news! The candles are here! You can purchase your candles(s) at the Sacristy (before or after Mass) or at the office. Candle sale is limited to five (5) candles per person; candles will not be sold by the case. We thank you for your cooperation and your patience while awaiting the arrival and delivery of the candles.
  • Offertory Envelopes: Parishioners who are not registered for envelopes are invited to do so at the office.
  • Ministry Meetings: Ministry Leaders are being asked to give the office a courtesy call if your ministry will not be meeting on its scheduled date. This is to ensure that the gates will not remain open unnecessarily.
  • Price Increases: Parishioners be advised of the following increases: Eternal Candle is now $25, Weddings $800, and Funerals $600. These increases are effective July 1, 2022.
  • Parish Activities and COVID-19 Protocols’ Update
    • Columban Hall
      • No need to seek Department of Health’s permit if you have less than 1000 guests attending the event.
    • Holy Mass
      • No temperature check at the church doors.
      • Effective Christmas Midnight Holy Mass, there will be two lectors assigned to proclaim the Word of God at Holy Mass.
    • Funeral Services
      • Viewing in church and Rite of Committal at the cemetery resumed on December 23rd’s funeral service.
      • Please note social distancing, mask wearing, and personal efforts to mitigate the spread of the disease are still required.
  • Ministry of the Word: Sign up: Registration for new members is in progress. Please consider joining this ministry by signing up your name on the sheet provided on the desk at the rear of the Church. Existing lectors do not need to sign up again.
  • Gratitude: We have been receiving offertory envelops from our home bound parishioners by mail and hand delivery. We thank you for keeping up with your sacrificial commitment. We also extend our thanks to our online contributors. May God reward your generosity.
  • Protection of Children: The Diocese of St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands is committed to protecting children from all harm. If you have knowledge of any member of the clergy or other church worker who may have abused a minor, please contact the diocesan child protection coordinator, Callista Julien at 340-772-4214.
  • Pastoral Letter: A message from Bishop Jerome Feudjio, June 2021.
  • Parish Accountant: We welcome onboard Ms. Penrose Gardiner as our new Church Accountant. The imperative need to improve and update our accounting system services has added a significant load of works that exceeds the available time for Mona who served in this capacity for many years as a volunteer. Taking this opportunity to thank her for her service and for facilitating a smooth transition. God bless you!
  • Holy Water Fountain: Holy Water Fountain is available at Marian Side. Please note, Holy Water is a sacramental; kindly refrain yourself from using drinking water bottle to keep Holy Water; instead use Holy Water bottle. Holy Water bottles are available for sale in our Gift Store.
  • Weekend Offerings Appeal: In view of the current financial challenge our parish is facing to meet its financial obligation, I prayerfully urge parishioners to discern ways you can do to help your church during this time by maintaining your offertory commitment. As it is now, Sunday collection is the sole revenue we rely on to meet our financial obligation. We thank you for considering this sacrificial commitment.
  • Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (CCD) Classes: Classes are held every Saturday during the school year and begin with attendance and instruction in the lower level of Columban Hall at 9:00 a.m.
  • Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Classes: RCIA is the journey of faith by which interested persons become members of the Roman Catholic Church. The program instructs adults to enter into full communion with the Catholic Church through Baptism and/or Confirmation and Holy Communion. To register, please call the church office at (340) 775-1650.
  • Candles: Please note that the cost for candles is now five dollars ($5.00) each.
  • Catholic Charities: Are you behind on your rent or utility bills due to the COVID-19? The Emergency Rental Assistance Program has been created just for you. If your income was reduced due to layoff, less hours or you had to stay home due to COVID-19, please call Catholic Charities of the Virgin Islands at 340-777-8518 or info@catholiccharitiesvi.org.
    Who is eligible:
    • Household owes at least one month of rent or utility bill or anticipates need for future rental assistance.
    • One or more household members at risk of homelessness due to non-payment of rent.
    • Household head or co-head suffered loss of income due to COVID-19.
    • Household annual income is at or below 80% of area median income.
  • Church Bulletin: Please be reminded that the church bulletin can be viewed or accessed online at www.holyfamilystt.com or via myParish app. Access the App Store, download the myParish App, and then put in the name of your parish (Holy Family). Please be guided accordingly.
  • On Line Giving: Visit our website: www.holyfamilystt.com and select online giving. Holy Family offers a mobile version of our online giving page to make it easy for you to give anytime from your smart phone, using “GIVE PLUS” mobile app. Thanks to all those who are using online giving; may God continue to bless you richly.
  • Devotional Candles: Please be reminded that blue and red globes are provided for you to place your candles. If the globes are all filled, please refrain from putting your candles on the shelf of our Blessed Mother and the shelf of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
  • Church Office: Please note that the church office is open. Kindly wear your mask if you have to do business with the church office. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. It is better to be safe than sorry.
  • Televised Mass: Sunday mass is streamed on Cathedralvi.com and televised on channel 7 on Sunday at 10 a.m. from the cathedral. Also every weekday morning at 7:00 a.m. mass is televised and streamed from the cathedral.
  • Let us all continue to practice social distancing and pray for each other.
  • Holy Family Registration: Parishioners who are 18 years and older are invited to register at the Church Office as well as become active and contributing members. We would like to maintain an up-to-date listing of all Holy Family parishioners. Registration also helps in providing quick services for the request and proof of miscellaneous church letters for individuals, Baptism, Confirmation, etc.
  • At Holy Family: Please check out our new website at www.holyfamilystt.com and our Facebook page at Holy Familyvi.
    (1) Log on to FORMED.ORG/REGISTRATION then use the parish code QMPGC4. (2) MYPARISHAPP: Access the App Store, download the MYPARISH APP, put in the name of your parish (Holy Family).
  • Online Giving: Visit our website: www.holyfamilystt.com and select Online Giving from the main menu or Support our parish at the bottom of the page. Holy Family offers a mobile version of our online giving page to make it easy for you to give anytime from your smart phone, using “GIVE PLUS” mobile app. Thanks to all those who are using online giving; may God continue to bless you richly.
  • RCIA: Adults who wish to join the Catholic church or know their faith more are encouraged to attend classes on Wednesdays, at 7:00 p.m. in Lower Columban Hall.